Thursday, December 30, 2010

My 2010 summary ♥


今年,我已畢業了!這是我渴望已久的,我想,不只是我吧?但是我知道有許多畢業生都會很想回去學校上課,會很懷念中學生涯。但是我告訴你,我沒有。我也不知道爲什麽,我一點也沒有想過說“哇,回想以前中學多好啊!” 記得有一位,曾經留言我說,“等你畢業后,你就會知道中學生涯有多好,你一定會很想回去上課” (大概是醬子啦)

後來就到雲頂去打工,在賭場做荷官。別以為這份工是很容易,其實我覺得蠻辛苦的。我覺得啦!因為數學要好嘛,一向以來,數學超級爛的,也很討厭數學。但是爲了做這份工,我盡然晨早八早爬起床,背乘法表!(你們以為是背12一下?錯了。我們是背 8,17, 35 的乘法表。你以為前數是1至12?錯了,是1至20!)對我來說是很難,而且trainer給的test,我都答錯!差勁...很多次我就想放棄,但是到最後,就算我被customer 罵到我哭,我都熬了1個月多。

進入3月尾,其實當天,我是要去當兵,但是沒收到NS的信,所以我堅持不上巴士!結果想了一整晚,我還是決定要去了!(因為我怕坐牢,我怕罰款,我怕去掃街...)當我要出發的那一刻,突然殺出一個postman來,是給NS的letter我的,就算我不打算去,我還是得去。認命吧...其實,我有想過,我那麼遲去,會不會被人boycott?會不會因為我不大會社交,然後被人打?因為不認識我的人,都會說我很串(也許我看監獄風雲太多)幸好,進去了,個個都很友善。告訴你們哦,我沒有哭哦!哈哈 =) 不過說真的,裏面的朋友,相處久了,有些人真的交不過,也有些人,我是很討厭的。記得有個雙面人,哇...比我還要厲害幾千倍,我要寫個“服”字給她。Anyway, 過去了,我也把她在Facebook friend list delete了。當然,有幾個friends,我還是很想念他們。每一次的NS Gathering 都太遠了,真的沒辦法去到。能不能在Perak gathering吖拜託...>.<

After NS,我也誤打誤撞的進了中六。因為追不上,也沒興趣,每次都做功課做到哭。So then I drop it! 然後也玩了整一個月,開始了我的學院生活。其實一開始,真的很開心的。我很愛我的同學,我的功課。直到考完試,我還是很積極的!可是因為一些事,真的很令我不開心。放心吧朋友,我不會退學,我愛你們!

說到朋友,到現在,能走進我心裡的,五隻手指都有剩幾隻。朋友我多到連外國都有,但是能談心的呢?有多少個?我現在長大了,我看得清楚誰是我的best friend,而誰,只是過客,只是普通吹水的friends! Anyway, just wanna say thanks to you guys once appeared in my life!

我的家人,對不起,也謝謝你們。其他肉麻話,我不說了。I just wanna make a wish...我希望我媽咪的情緒會稍微好一些,我家人會和氣一些。當然,要闔家安康 =)

我的老公,erm...我突然很想這樣稱呼他 =) 今年我們發生了很多事,個人覺得還蠻大件事的說。去年我在雲頂書局看了一本星座書,是說今年的運程。看了我的愛情運,是說,我和我的另一半會面臨分手,還記得,應該是說的蠻嚴重的。我個人是蠻相信星座,而不至於迷信拉!其實我的人是滿衝動的(其實應該是我老公-他的白羊座,比較衝動吧?但是我覺得我比他還要衝動幾百倍的)所以,我常會提醒他說,不要放棄我,因為我知道我很愛你。這句話,在兩三年前,我把它給寫在一顆石頭上送了給他。同樣的話,我也再提醒他。
今年,我們一起度過了我們的4周年。我覺得和往年不一樣,很特別。而且我們還一起同住,真的很開心。It's so sweet...! I really! really! really wish that, 我家人會儘快接受你。老公,我們一起加油吧!
那些有意無意重傷他的人,謝謝你,因為你讓我們的愛情更堅定,讓我們相信我們的愛情。奉勸你們,會有報應的喔 =)

我希望我能過的比今年好 =)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Peace

Belated Merry Christmas! I've a silent and peace X'mas this year and honestly, it's quiet bored.
Okie, let's straight to my X'mas Eve!

I went to Kuala-la-la Lumpur with Satrine by bus in the morning. I really hate sitting on the bus and I worried bout the bus after I saw too many bout the accidents. Okie, it's useless if I worried too much. So, just relax babe and I reach there safely. Thanks God.

After that my hubby boy and Charles came and fetched me at Shah Alam. Idk why my heart was beating fast when I saw him, I'm like first time to meet him and fall in love to him, what the hell of me, haha!

We went Wai Chun's house at Kepong then. resting there and watching a movie. After bath and make up, hang to Port Dickson!
We had dinner there, but it's not so good I think.
Port Dickson here!
We having some snacks and chatting there. Of course we shotting there!
I'm like so weird here!
actually I'm talking...then...CHACK! shoot this! ==
I'm fat...oh my god!

Here is what my hubby boy gave me as a X'mas present...
Elianto premium nail colour set and a bag that bought from the website.
I love its! Thank you hubby, ILY

Of course, I made a X'mas card for him, and a chocolate plus a cutie little dear which you press it will said "I LOVE YOU".
I've a silent and peace X'mas Eve that is different as last few years.
Yet, I am so regret b'cox there had been some unhappy things. Anyways, I love my X'mas Eve that I together with my boy.

Dear my babe Roxz, I'll change, b'coz I You.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


有些東西我覺得很好笑吔 請你們搞不清楚狀況 就不要做出批評 (我是指某些人)
我沒有反駁 但不要以為你說得對
書 我決定我會繼續讀下去
如果 I means IF, 再發生這樣的事情 我會退學 我不想再承受這樣的壓力
我只能說 是家裡的關係 更深入的 我也不敢說 我覺得很丑
我真的很喜歡我的學院 我真的很愛我的同學 我很用功讀書 我也只想一心一意去讀
可是 這種壓力 如果你們是我 我想你們會瘋掉
我明白的是 付出X等於回報

求“你” 我真的求求“你” 不要再罵我了
我很無助 我只會做的是 哭

I'm so confuse...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kissing You

We love photo shooting

我已经买了DSLR咧 由于缺货 所以明年才能拿货 好期待吔 我可以加入摄影团队啦 是我梦寐与求的 喀喀喀
为了这部相机 我浪费了多少眼泪和口水 去哀求 去得到 每一次的买相机的希望 一次又一次的泡汤 都搞到我很想哭
终于 皇天不负有心人 我得咗拉!

換掉了背景音樂 許多結婚MV都在用這首歌曲喔
Kissing You-Miranda Cosgrove
听着...有一種幸福的感覺 想起了我的他 呵呵
我好愛他這張的照片呢 so cuteee!

p/s: 今天又发生车祸了 长巴失事 27人死 10人伤 所以吖 驾车人士要小心咯 别再让悲剧发生

Friday, December 17, 2010


hey dude! I'm feeling happy right now b'coz I own back my room! I can sleep at my room today! I miss my room which I didn't stay there for 1 month! hohoho...Congratz! XD

Just now followed my babe boy to his relatives' house for dinner, his mum went along too! There have been lot of funny things bout his dad, make me can't stop laughing man! Okay...let's talk bout it. When we're waiting for my hubby's dad coming to his relatives' home, we guys knew his dad got a bit drunk already b'cox he just finished another dinner there. His dad reached then. When he came, he said HELLO to some aunty there, then he sit down. After a while, he ask his wife " who is that aunty?" Oh my goodness...! He just said hello to that aunty 1 minutes ago, then he was like dun recognize her, I really can't stop laughing bout this! hahaha!
Okay...let's go through. My hubby was sitting beside me, and his body size quiet big you know? Idk why his dad can ask his wife" Where is Ah Hoe?" I thought I heard wrongly at the beginning...b'cox my fat hubby just sitting beside me and infront him! Then he kept asking. I laughed again! haha! Okay, we guys know he was drunk...XD

Almost finish bout the magazine visited, just wanna send some photos to them then gao dim! Hmm, I think I'll having a bored holiday plans, no friends here...It's really like a dead town here! Christmas is coming soon. Don't really know what the fucking plan I've. Helpless...

And...any nice place for photo shooting? Any suggestion? Thank You =)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Holiday!

Thanks my baby boy. I love this shoot~

I already finished my exam last day! So that means I already finished my first semester, FYI.
Time flies...we guys said it's like so fast for this sem. okay...let's talk about my exam...
Mr.Chai, who is my lecturer already told us about our marks, I am glad that I get the highest mark on his subject! hohoho...! But for others subjects, Idk yet. And I got abit excited that Miss Chew didn't shoot me when am having presentation., luckily =) hmm, maybe I am still a lil junior so she didn't shoot me? and maybe this is my first time? perhaps! Anyways, now I am relaxing and enjoying my holidays! hohoho...!
And yea, I am waiting for some photos that took by presentation day and we're having fun at Restaurant Yao Yat Seng, all of that in my friends's DSLR, I really cant waiting for it, I want those photos!'s not good for me that I am back my hometown, and I got no place to sleep! I just can say nothing and...I am sleeping at living room NOW! who wanna take me...just for 2 weeks, please...T.T

Last week, I got a message which asked me for magazine visited. I got a bit surprised and I agreed to her request, but I haven reply her e-mail about some questions.
I'm looking forward for the magazine...

Lastly, for my babe boy, thank you for the handbag that you gave me as a X'mas present, thank you for all you've done for me.
Dear my hubby Roxz, ILY

Friday, December 10, 2010

somthin worst from mii

什麽事喔現在 是不是一個兩個都要跟我作對 要這個這個沒有 越想得到的越飛走 什麽包包 什麽DSLR 什麽好東西都沒我份 一個兩個說就容易厚 做咧? 又是另一套 我真的很不明白我家是什麽狀況 一個兩個每天忙東忙西的 結果? 真不明白 真的很不明 也許有些東西我還沒想得通 okay tat's fine...我就上網去聽淨空法師的speech 我當時真的還以為自己是okay的 以為自己已經是out of mind 後來才發覺我還是差一點點 我做不到

錢 真的不是好東西 什麽都是要錢 家裡忙東忙西都是爲了錢 但是到最後我的DSLR都是泡湯 我只能冷笑 我很無言 我那麼用工去讀書 那麼用心去讀書 我換來什麽 每一次電話打來就是講一句 “做么每天到處去” “做么亂花錢” “我們供你讀書很辛苦,你自己好好把握” 有些東西我好像解釋了一萬遍 都好像解釋不了 我 黃舜儀 沒有到處去玩 去逛 去浦 我下課一回家就是做功課 直到晚上 有時甚至半夜 我才會沖凉 有時連東西都沒有吃 我每天吃lunch 都沒有叫set 沒有叫水 我都是喝自己帶的水 我沒有亂花錢 okay 在怡保 購物商店里都是琳琅滿目的 很多東西我都很喜歡 而我 也只是偶爾用省下的錢 選些自己最喜歡的東西 才買下那麼的一樣 我真的很敢告訴你們 我真的是有努力讀書的 我也很努力省錢 你們懂嗎? 我不知道你們賺錢很辛苦嗎? 不要每天都以為我不會想好不好 我19歲都來了! 你們每一次的誤會都讓我很心痛 我很坦白的說 我有幾次因為你們這幾句話 我真的哭了 我付出的 得到的是什麽 那個已經是其次 但是你們對我的不信任 do you know what my feeling? 我是你們的女兒來的...

有時候我真的很期待我的未來是怎樣的 我真的很不想什麽都為錢 為錢 為錢煩 我覺得很傻 但是卻擺脫不了 啊 神啊 救救我吧 淨空法師說 如果你要錢 你去打劫 你成功得到錢了 那就是你命裡有 如果你去打劫 錢也得不到 結果還不幸被警察捉 那就是你命裡沒有 有些東西不需要去強求 你命裡有 自然而然就回有 命裡沒有 無論做什麽 都是沒有

我很想趕快消化淨空法師的話 “錢 不是好東西”

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


這是熬夜讀書時候 請原諒我的自戀 這也是我染髮后囖 嗯 這個顏色我不滿意 因為不上色 沒關係 新年前我會再染 我一定要把我頭髮變褐色

最近都在忙著考試 還有幫DSLR做些research 因為下個Sem就要開始學攝影了 這是我夢寐以求的 不止喔 還會肖人像呢 真的好期待 雖然我知道功課會堆積如山 但是我會堅持到底
可是呢 最近不怎麼睡得好 我也不懂爲什麽 )=

自從來了怡保后 我發覺我平均都會到Parade逛一次 哈 那是因為lunch time 吃完后就到處逛 但是只能看 不能買 因為沒錢嘛 )= 但是也為新年做了research 呵呵呵

明天因為一些事 要把自己扮得漂亮一些 所以呢 我要去睡覺啦
晚安 =)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

it change mua mind

有時候覺得自己好好笑 我的感情生活很矛盾 好的時候就糖癡豆 吵得時候就很兇 看到某某人的部落格 當時真的醒了 才知道自己是多么的扯 多么的囧 而自己是多么的沒立場 沒堅持 耳朵軟 真的有點憎我自己 okay 過去了 我要好好學習 那些文字統統都out of say out of mind 不要想 我沒看過 這樣自己就不會那麼的囧

給機會他 也給機會自己
愛情 不能作比較

Sunday, November 28, 2010

厚 真的有點懶惰寫寫了 最近都蠻輕鬆了 因為我給把堆積如山的assignments 給趕完了 但是下個星期要考試了唄 又要發奮了 但是最不爽就是study week 還要回去補課 就是因為那個死鬼lecturer 每次缺課 真討厭
哎 有點不開心的就是 有好大的可能沒得去傑倫演唱會 噢給 沒關係 總有一天 我會去的 10年的崇拜 不能連真人都沒看過吧 這樣太遜了
上來混混 該飄走了 =)

Friday, November 19, 2010


YEY! I already finished all my 30 fruits sketching! spent 5 days rushing for 27 sketch, clap clap for myself C=

hmm, I am so busy and spend all the time to my assignment, it's my final next month, I've plane myself that I wanna finish all my assignments this weeks! and next, ready for my assesments! God bless! Altho that's just 24 hours per day, but I can finish my works! whuahaha, clap clap again! I just can said that, I appreciated my time and I know how to use my precious time. Plus, I still got time for fun and with my hub boy. I need to plan for myself, this is what I always remember that someone said to me.

Last two day was Hari Raya Haji right? that day Amy and I went to shopping for buying dresses, that's for final exam, presentation day C= I really lurve my dress that I bought! I really look forward to wear it...XOXO

okie, this two days am enjoy my holidays much. So then I need to sleep early today and ready for class tomorrow, buai =)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


我好像都遺忘了我的部落格了啦 最近都好忙 忙著final project 忙考試 一直在rushing 還好 我還有時間睡覺 吃飯 不過我也想哭訴一句大部份學院生都會說的一句話 “Can I have 48 hours in a day?!” I think maybe 48 hours 都不夠吧?72小時就差不多 哈哈
雖然我很忙 但是都有和朋友去有玩吖 我們去Kellie's Castle 我和哥哥借了DSLR去攝影 很可惜相機沒什麼電嗯 拍到一半就stop了攝影的照片 真不好意思 因為一些技術問題 我開不到file >.<

然後呢 我們去死城 甲板( PAPAN) 因為那裡鬧鬼 那已經是一個死城 其實那裡也是 亂葬崗 司徒法正都在那裡拍攝過的吶
所以我很留意那時候被拍攝的建築物 嗯...好可怕的感覺
我們主要是去瀑布啦 哪裡的路好像我家鄉的大石山

我們在哪裡脫了鞋 玩玩水 我還在學丟石子呢 但是還不算okay just 可以彈起兩次嗯...

上个星期还和哥, Jun and Amy 去Cameron Highland 就是突然心血来潮去的吖 但是

Starbucks Coffee got roti tissue huh? XD

想念那個小胖子了 好愛她 好像他 在這樣下去 我只會更牽掛... 不知道爲什麽每次和他一起的時候真的好想把他貼的緊緊 最好就是能溶為一體 不懂你們有沒有看過日本的文章 他女的太愛他的男友 然後想和他融為一體 就把他男友給殺了 吃掉 這樣 他們就可以融為一體了 所以我每次都會嚇小胖子 用很認真的眼神望著他 說 “嘚 我想食咗你...” 他的眼睛就回睜大大的望著我 “唔 好 啊” 哈 都夠可愛

嗯...好想快点到下一個Sem 我就要買相機了 Canon 450D 現在是我的目標!

Friday, October 29, 2010

some Info

hey, am here! Long time did't update my bloggie. Imma busying my assignments, presentation, and it's my final assignments u know! hmm, I almost spent 60% just doing my art works in one day! After coll just start doing my assignments non-stop till almost 9 p.m just bath and take my dinner, after that continue it. Woo...what a crazy life! enjoying this with both of my roommates and also classmates, cheers!

and yea, I forgot to intro my art work on the top. This is my sketching which I love so much! That's a poodle =) Izzit nice? I really like it!

I miss my darly so much, I hope that every weeks can be with him, yet, He's so busy, and I also. I really look forward to my holidays! X'mas and 2011 countdown party, I wanna join and have some fun!

okay, let's turn back to here, am now joining a contest, I hope you guys can vote me, I really hope can get some cash to buy a DSLR . I need it, seriously!!!

Click the link below and click LIKE to vote me if you willing.

and yea, I hope you can do this la! As easy as abc rite?
Thank you who are voted me there.

need to sleep now! byeee~

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lunch time

I am now having my lunch in Frienster Cafe together with my coll's friends. It's a nice place bcoz here is less peoples and silent. I am rushing my assignments and presentation, so, I am berry busy recently. That's wat a college life!

My lovely hub came Ipoh yesterday and meet me. We having a sweet moment even it's a shot time. Today is 21th rite? yup...this is our 50 monthly anniversary, 1522 days
ILY babe Roxz

FML, I have not going back my hometown for 3 weeks. Yet, I'll back this weeks! =) Is not so happy but got a bit moody bcoz of HIM. hmm, yea I'm small gas XO

my lunch coming soon! buai =)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


著名的心理學家 弗格姆(E.Fromm)在他的名著(愛的藝術)中有這麼一句名言:
不成熟的愛是--< 因為我需要你 , 所以我愛你 ---- 而成熟的愛是--< 因為我愛你 , 所以我需要你 ----



便會對你的存在覺得多餘與 厭煩.
















埋怨幾句,也肯將就,因為只有這一件, 而且我們太喜歡它了,瑕不掩瑜嘛!




Wednesday, October 13, 2010


離開哥家 自個兒搬出來和朋友住 都有兩個星期了 對啊 我知道他是很寂寞的 但是沒辦法囖 忍耐下吧 也許她很快會回來的了 =)
這幾天 感覺自己好拼 放學回到家 休息沒到十分鐘就開始做功課 直到凌晨一兩點 你也可以說我趕功課 因為如果我不計劃好如何完成其他的功課 我的三十張素描是沒辦法預期完成 還有presentation 和 newsletter 好多功課吔 有時候覺得好累 但仔細想想 路是我自己選的 我就要堅持到底囖 嗯 最近好缺錢 好想賺外快 但是不想抛頭露面 啊啊啊 世上沒那麼大的蚧蝲隨街跳 還是乖乖呆在家省錢好了

自我激勵 愛拼才會贏!

Monday, October 11, 2010


我好像都荒廢了這裡 對不起 我好忙 功課好多 都沒時間來這 突然覺得無言詞窮了 嗯 最近生活都不錯 一切都很好 親情 愛情 友情 都噢給 好喜歡現在的一切 雖然功課好多 當做對自己的磨練吧 我很享受當我完成我的功課 那一種喜悅和成就感 最近都比較節省了 沒亂花錢了 謝謝我的寶貝嘚嘚帶我去超級市場賣了食物給我 讓我肚子餓時候可以吃 謝謝媽媽自個兒駕車上來拿東西給我吃 給我用 還給錢我花 謝謝爸爸還會打電話給我關心 雖然我真的不怎麼會表達對你們的愛意 我還是講話很大聲 哎 這個壞習慣我會學著改掉 最後 我愛我現在的一切

Monday, October 4, 2010

cheer me up!


嗯,本小姐知道了=) 謝謝某人的留言 , ooOoo

最近不懂是不是犯小人,楣!但是我會接受挑戰 =)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Body Modifications

I would like to share some horrible things with you guys! The Most Bizarre Body Modifications here that I sudden found.

Eyeball Tattoo
Corneal tattooing is not only possible, but it has been known and done now for over 2,000 years — it became almost commonplace in the late 19th century and into the 20th century to correct defects such as corneal scarring and leucomas. These days, it is done less often because contact lenses are very effective at covering these defects, and prosthetic technology is also more accessible. However, not everyone can wear contact lenses, and not everyone wants their eyeball popped out even if it is blind; hence cosmetic tattooing of the eye.

Scarification is the creative and artistic application of scars in a controlled manner to achieve an aesthetically or spiritually pleasing result. In the process of body scarification, scars are formed by cutting the skin. Even though many people hold that scarification is no more painful than tattooing, it is somehow more "intense" to most of them.

3D-Art Implant
A 3D-Art implant is any object implanted fully under the skin for the purpose of affecting a sculptural change of the surface. The "invention" and popularization of implants as 3D-Art is credited primarily to Steve Haworth. Implants can be stretched just like piercings. A good example of this are horn implants—they start as smaller implants, and are then taken out when healed and replaced with slightly larger ones. This process is repeated to achieve the final size. There are some risks of irritation to the skin above the implant if this process is pushed too fast, as with all stretching.

Corset Piercings
One of the newest trends in body modification comes in the form of corset piercings. They are a series of surface piercings arranged up the back in two vertical columns. The piercing is located in the spot where the eyelets would be if one was wearing a corset. It is a symmetrical piercing with an equal number of holes on each side. As few as four holes can be used (two on each side) up to as many as the expanse of skin will allow.

The Human Branding is, perhaps, the most painful of all body modifications. In full-scale branding, the iron is heated hot enough and applied long enough that the resulting wound is a third degree burn, which destroys the nerve. These third-degree burns never regain sensitivity. It will make a silver scarred area in the shape of the third degree burn, due to destruction of the entire dermis layer of the skin. The surrounding skin will eventually fill in areas that haven’t been severely damaged, which takes years.

Body Suspension
Body suspension is the act of suspending the human body via temporary piercings made just before the suspension process. The body is then raised either partially or completely from the ground by especially modified fishing hooks.

Tongue bifurcation
One of the newest body modifications to hit the scene is tongue splitting, or tongue bifurcation. The process involves literally cutting the tongue in half directly down the center. Once the tongue is split it is possible to move both sections independently of one another.

Pointy Ears
New York plastic surgoen Dr. Lajos Nagy created a surgical procedure to make human ears pointed, like a mythological creature. According to the doc, "ears becoming pointed as a result of plastic surgery not only enhance the attractiveness of the face, but also improve the experience of listening to music."

Do you dare to do so? XD

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's goin up

hey peeps! hmm...actually my mood is going up and down recently. I'll drop lil tears if am emo. I know it'll not be longer. I bless myself getting better =) don't worry bout me. I am okay.

I really love and enjoy together with my coll's friends. We hang out for sing k and lunch today.
We guys having fun!

I got my student card. It's a lil bit puffy.
hmm, nothing else.
and IMYR

Sunday, September 26, 2010

最近的心情就是糟透了 都把眼睛給哭腫了 又怎樣 這是我自己找來的 不能怨人 有時候我真的很羡慕他們 幹嗎別人拍拖 父母都很贊同 就算以前不贊同的 現在他們都能和對方父母一起逛街吃飯 我呢 4年多了 得到什麽 我知道 我很失敗 我不知道自己在搞什麽 我不會讓我的家人接受他 反而更不喜歡他 甚至自己被拖下水 我很無能 我很無奈 別人都很羡慕我和他這麼久的愛情長跑 但是我想告訴你們 不必 因為在我們的愛情跑道上有很多荊刺 陷阱 怪獸 甚至魔鬼 這麼困難重重的跑道上 有時候會讓我覺得很累 不止是我 他也一樣 有時候我問我自己 幹嗎家人不接受 我們還要在一起 這樣很辛苦 這個問題 我也重複問了他好多次 但是唯一我佩服我自己的 是我還在堅持 也許某些人都會認為我很傻 很笨 但是我想問你 你會爲了你愛的人做傻事嗎 太理智的愛情 是什麽 那還算是愛情嗎

我想說 因為某件事 我知道我錯了 對不起 但是也挽回不了 我會少回來的 我想挽回我一點點的面子

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey readers! am now at my hometown.
Actually I already back yesterday just for Mooncake Festival. Went to my darly home for dinner and had a great time with his family too. But the Kimi sis text me and we hang out together with Sisi and Lily. What a nice moment when we meet our ex-schoolmates and spent our time together!

Yet, I've to back Ipoh for studied this afternoon bcoz my class start at 2 p.m. My dad fetched me there and back after my class for 2 hours.

yea am so tired now. Doing assignment right now and I just take a break to blogging, haha! Sketching and searching some interior design for assignment.
I found that there are lots of interesting ID.

These are for children bedroom ID.
Emily, this suit you. Your beloved Sponge Bob!
These are Theme Bedroom ID.
you can click below and see more =)

These abit horrible.
you can see more through here.

and yea, I'll back to my secondary shool to watch my teacher's perform Nobody, fyl.
gonna continue my assignment, bye!