Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Mooncake Festival

Happy Mooncake Festival guys!
latest wishes...haha
I had a great day yesterday
hang out wib frenz and deary
so worried becuz rainning heavily at begining
deardear quickly fetch me to his house
what he promise me to play candles together
chit chat wib deary at room
heard sumthin really funny
and I'm so shocked and juz laughed at him
sumone wanna pikat my deary lor
sweet sweet wib deary
after tat we play candles together wib his sis

suddenly...his mum bak
deary helped her to prepared for 拜月光

help him 点香

see...Pikaciu deary

we played Pop-Pop also
like a child =P
after his mum took a shower
we sat and ate together
chit chatting
deary...euu so "wat tat" lor
euu "put put" 3 times already
hahaha =P
cant stop laughing on euu when felt from the stairs
hahahahahahahaha =P
next round was together wib Kimi
saw Alex them when walking
thn he fetch us "long gai" by car
after a while Kimi and I bak her home
played candles again

Roxz...for euu

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